
Time Travel Stargate Found in Egypt

The Seti 1 Temple in Abydos, Egypt has always been cloaked in mystery. It has been rumored to have an Ancient Stargate, an opening to the next world. To add to the mystery, the temple contains strange carvings on several walls which Egyptologists have been at a loss to explain. Such carvings have not been seen in other temples.

New evidence now suggests that information on the Abydos Stargate may have been hidden in plain sight for centuries, waiting to be deciphered. But before I get into the specifics, a little history is in order.

The Temple at Abydos is the oldest necropolis in this ancient land and was believed to be the very heart center of Egypt. The temple we see today was built by Seti 1 over an older more sacred temple, which may contain even deeper secrets. It is well-known that the Egyptian Pharaohs would arrange for a “symbolic” burial tomb to be built in their honor at Abydos, even if their “physical” tomb was erected elsewhere. The Ancients believed Abydos Temple was the closest entry point to the next world and the much desired afterlife. One has to wonder why?

Abydos Temple was home to the Order of Melchizedek, the Brotherhood of the Law of One, known throughout millennium as the cosmic priests to the priests. The origin of this priesthood is said to go back further than Atlantean times, and quite possibly to the very beginnings of man on earth.

The Melchizedek priests were known as true visionaries, dedicated to the service of others. Their mission was to save man from his illusions, to free souls from earthly enslavement. The Melchizedeks were the founders of the Ancient Mystery Schools of Egypt. They were known to possess the knowledge of the cosmos and the keys to mankind’s ascension. They were also the gatekeepers to the Stargate at Abydos Temple.

Years ago I learned from a secret space program insider that Abydos contained a natural Stargate which allowed a covert military experiment to actually send an ET home. How? They forced the Stargate to open using advanced technology.

It sounded pretty far out, but I recall the insider saying the Stargate opening was along one of the Northern walls of the temple. Since Seti 1 built this temple on top of a much older sacred temple, I’ve been at a loss as to whether the wall in question was an inner or outer wall, above ground or below ground. This recently changed when I happened to mention the insider’s story to an Egyptologist friend of mine while revisiting the temple.

His face lit up with excitement as I related the details the military insider shared regarding seeing a series of “four field posts” positioned around “gates” as well as some sort of “projection device,” a “barrel” and a set of “containment rings”. Using a directed electromagnetic energy force, they were able to open and access this natural Stargate and effect time and space distortion.

My friend immediately took me over to an inside wall near the outside of the temple and pointed to an unusual carving that took up most of the wall. I was stunned. I had never really “seen” this carving from past temple visits. I’m sure thousands had walked by it, just like me, without understanding what they were actually seeing. It’s as if it was veiled in some cloaking field that transmitted to passing observers, “move along, nothing to see here.”

Abydos Temple – Sokar Sled to the Underworld

The entire wall carving shows a Pharaoh dragging a sled-like vehicle with wings (not an afterlife boat which is a common symbol seen in many temples). Oddly enough, this sled reminds one of the time travel vehicle used in the H.G. Wells movie, The Time Machine.

The Abydos vehicle contains four gated posts and a barrel-like device with rings displaying two heads of the falcon deity Sokar, the God of the Underworld.

Set Animal

On the wing is a strange creature with unusual ears. Oftentimes you see this animal-like head on the handles of “Was” Scepters, representing the symbol for ultimate power. Some have likened the head of this creature to the “Set Animal“—a  being used to control the chaotic forces of nature.

To the left of the Pharaoh is the deity Thoth, depicted with the head of an ibis. Thoth is the God of Wisdom, Knowledge and Magic. In this wall carving, he appears to be instructing the Pharaoh.

The powers of Thoth were known to be so great, that the Egyptians had tales of a “Book of Thoth”, which would allow a person who read the sacred book to become the most powerful magician in the world. It was said to contain “the secrets of the gods themselves” and “all that is hidden in the stars”.

Thoth was thought to be the Master Scribe to the gods. It is believed that he wrote down the story of man’s reality then placed it into the grids of the earth for us to experience and learn through the alchemy of time and consciousness. A ruler is often seen in his hand, as he was the one responsible for making “calculations concerning the Heavens, the Stars and the Earth.”

Ascension Gate symbol

My Egyptian friend immediately sent a picture of the wall carving to a forum group of over 2000 Egyptologists asking if anyone knew what the wall scene meant. Only one response came back: “Gate to the second world”. On each side of the wall carving are Egyptian symbols for “Ascension Gate”.

There is a noticeable deep chunk taken out of the wall, which would have provided the identity of an unknown figure. The missing chunk looks like it may have been intentionally removed at some time.

In a prior blog I’d written, The Reincarnation of Om Sety and the Secrets at Abydos, an English woman named Dorothy Eady, who would become the infamous caretaker of Abydos Temple in the late 20th Century, recalled how she had once fallen into a dimensional hole inside the temple, giving her a time travel glimpse into the past. Many report that during her years of dedicated service at the temple, she was often seen pressing her hands along the walls looking for some hidden doorway that might take her back to that place in time. Perhaps this is Om Sety’s Stargate wall. How often it may spontaneously open is unknown.

The Abydos Stargate is said to be a natural time travel bridge. In 1935, Albert Einstein and physicist Nathan Rosen used the theory of general relativity to elaborate on the idea, proposing the existence of “bridges” through space-time. These bridges connect two different points in space-time, theoretically creating a shortcut that could reduce travel time and distance. The shortcuts came to be called “Einstein-Rosen bridges”, or wormholes.

While the wall carving at Abydos may indeed mark a natural Stargate, it appears the military found a way to open such portals on-demand. Once opened, they utilized a strange black box-like device to access information from the portal pertaining to past and future events.

This technology has been loosely referred to as the “Looking Glass” device, “Yellow Book” or “Orion’s Cube” It is said to be alien technology retrieved from a spaceship, believed to be from the Orion Constellation, which crashed in the U.S. prior to the famous Roswell, New Mexico crash in 1947.

This “Looking Glass” device was given to U.S. President Eisenhower, then widely passed around to several governments to view into their most probable future and plan accordingly. The insider reported they were able to see, in holographic display, information concerning future presidents (i.e. Bush, Clinton, Obama) as well as the events surrounding the World Trade Center attack on September 11th, 2001. (It is important to note that what they saw were the most probable futures based on the strength of pulsed energy emanating from the images. Interesting enough, years ago, upon questioning another person who had access to this device, I was told that they never saw Hillary Clinton as a future president.)

The military carefully studied past events that became true and which ones did not come true based on the energy signature of the holographic image displayed. They learned that not every event is written in stone—the future can be altered. They tried to find a way to accurately read the future events that were more likely to occur. Eventually, the U.S. Government was able to reverse engineer this device in the 60’s and 70’s under a secret CIA program known as “Project Looking Glass”.

The Abydos Stargate was supposedly only used to pass information from the future and/or other dimensions back to this time. Which leads one to ask an important question. Have those in power been manipulating future timelines to effect more desirable/profitable outcomes? If so, governments have been playing some dangerous games within time and space.

Scientists report that wormholes can spontaneously collapse. Any person using the portal when this happens can forever be caught in a state of space-time limbo. If there were early experiments, which I have told there were, how many test subjects did not return?

As of this writing, no one seems to know what became of the Looking Glass technology.  If they do, they’re not saying. The device was said to be turned off years ago out of fear for the impact it could have on Earth’s future timeline. The technology showed them that it would be ON when Earth experienced some future catastrophic world event.

The insider somehow knew the device would be accidentally re-activated in the year 2016/2017. How, where and under what circumstances, he would not say.  I don’t think he knew. My intuitive guess as to its current whereabouts would be that it’s either being hidden away in the Vatican or is buried beneath the ice cap of the Wllkes Land Crater in East Antarctica—which might explain why many government and church leaders have suddenly taken so many unexpected trips to this frozen land in the last two years. No one wants to talk about what’s going on in Antarctica. Ii’s completely cloaked in a heavy veil of secrecy.

Futuristic vehicles seen at ceiling

Centuries ago, the Melchizedek priests may have stumbled onto such a Looking Glass device, or been given one by the “Gods” or “Star Beings” as they called them. It’s no coincidence that the three Pyramids at Giza are also aligned to the Orion’s Belt Constellation.

Such an advanced technology would have allowed them to see over the curvature of time and space to view such future events. Perhaps this is why there are also carvings in the temple depicting futuristic technology, such as spacecraft, a submarine, and a helicopter—all hidden on a high beam near the ceiling where it would generally go unnoticed.

Any carvings closer to the temple ceilings were known to be of a more esoteric, next world orientation. On close inspection, these carvings do not display any evidence that they have been altered or carved over as other wall scenes displayed lower down. Oddly, the spaceship carving also appears to display field post symbols.

Since there is no way to prove any of this information is true, out of curiosity I asked several highly advanced intuitives to give me their initial impressions of the Abydos wall carvings without any prior information on its possible meaning. I received the following impressions: “beyond the veil sled,”  “stairway to heaven” “as above, so below,” “sliding down the rabbit hole,” and “Oh, wow! Whatever it is it gives me shivers all over.” The mystery continues.

See also by Kathy J. Forti:

Discovering Extraterrestrial Evidence in Egypt

The Mystery Schools of the Order of Melchizedek

Copyright 2018 – Reprint by Permission Only

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Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God: A Psychologist’s Near-Death Experience and Journeys Into the Mystical

Great Pyramid Ascension Chambers Revealed – Part 3

PyramidThe Ancient Egyptians had a saying: “As above, so below,” meaning that man is the counterpoint of God on Earth. To look without, is to look within man. This was believed to hold the key to all mysteries.

To understand the chambers inside the Great Pyramid is akin to looking at an evolutionary timetable for man itself. New discoveries are being unlocked as man is being filled with the Light of Consciousness and Cosmic Awareness.

The King’s and Queen’s Chambers did not initially have such mundane names. Long ago these chamber rooms were seen as “temples” because they were pathways to the sacred knowledge of the universe. They were the Temples to Inner Man.

Oftentimes the Queen’s Chamber is seen as the poor second cousin to the King’s Chamber, butgreatpyramid3-19 what many do not know is that the Queen’s chamber was “control central” for the pyramid. Think of it as the switch/relay room of a dimensional access station. From this chamber, electromagnetic fields were directed up from the depths of the pyramid through the King’s Chamber and straight to the gold capstone and sun crystal that was once positioned atop the pyramid like a powerful antenna.

Both the King’s and Queen’s chambers have shafts that are aligned to certain star system coordinates in the cosmos. The Queen’s Chamber has two shafts that were bricked over, but uncovered in 1872. They can be found on the north and south walls of the chamber and are aligned with the Orion Constellation. While this fact is well-known, little is understood of the shafts’ true purpose.

TC-and-rover-Southern-shaft-entranceIn 1993 German engineer, Rudolph Gantenbrink, sent a robot called Upuaut2 (Wepwawet – “the opener of the ways”) to video the inner walls of these shafts. He discovered that the southern shaft ended with a small limestone slab in which two heavily corroded pieces of copper had been inserted. The door is estimated to be about six centimetres thick and is only about six meters from the outer surface of the pyramid.

Gantenbrink tried to video the northern shaft, butSouthern-chamber-secret couldn’t get around the curve. In 2002, a National Geographic robot, inserted a miniature fibre-optic camera into a three-quarter-of-an-inch hole to reveal a rough-hewn blocking stone about 21 centimetres beyond the original southern shaft door. It appeared to be covering a cracked surface that was sealed over. A similar discovery was also made in the southern shaft of the Queen’s Chamber.

What does it mean? The only clue is the strange symbols on the other side of the shaft door which the camera recorded through the bored hole—not hieroglyphics, not Sumerian, but a language which is unknown and undecipherable to those unable to read it.


These shafts are very important. While the Great Pyramid had multi-purposes, its most important function was as an inter-dimensional teleportation device (also known as an “Ascension Chamber”). During that time, some very advanced souls had learned how to create wormholes in spacetime to connect with the wisdom of the universe.

These hidden shafts, which only advanced robotics, much like we have today, could access, were intentionally sealed up at one time. They had a unique purpose. They were like runways to a cosmic airport for those who had mastered Light Transfiguration, the ability to send their ethereal bodies to higher dimensions.

According to remote viewer, clairvoyant and author EM Nicolay, the strange writing seen on the shaft wall does not contain any profound message for humanity by some alien race. The writing is actually instructional coordinates, much like today’s airport runway symbols which give path directions. These directions also tell the journeying soul how and when to “push through” to transverse specific higher dimensional areas of the cosmos. This is not as surprising as it may sound. The Ancient Egyptians were big on how-to instructions to access the stars even after death, as evidenced from inside funerary coffins.

While some may balk at the possibility of the Ancients having teleportation technology, this science is not new. The U.S. government has already successfully experimented with teleportation and time travel, compliments of the inventor Nikola Tesla, who developed a teleportation device before he died. This device became the secret U.S. military DARPA program known as Project Pegasus.

It was actually the Ancient Atlanteans who brought this “ascension” technology with them to Egypt just prior to the Great Flood that would bring down Atlantis (see Part 1 and Part 2). Unfortunately, much like DARPA, this knowledge got into the wrong hands during the reign of the Pharaoh Akhenaten, where the powerful and mighty Amun priesthood sabotaged it in order to control universal access. Their tampering, under the guise of being helpful, trapped some souls—leaving them in a state of dimensional limbo unable to return or ascend higher.

It was Akhenaten who had the Great Pyramid’s gold/crystal capstone removed, rendering its energy and purpose virtually useless.  At the same time, he dismantled its functional components and closed down all passage ways into the Great Pyramid—an act that would seal it off for thousands of years.

It’s only been in the last 50 years that much of these discoveries inside the pyramid have resurfaced. We are once again, like in ancient times, reaching an evolutionary time unlock period where Light is streaming forth from the cosmos and awakening us prior to a 5th dimensional shift. Are we ready for it?

Great Pyramid, Khufu burial chamberIn our own way, we are all preparing for this transition. Recently, I led a small group of eight people into the King’s Chamber for two hours of private time in the early hours of the morning prior to dawn.

We each brought with us a pitch-pipe. In unison we tuned ourselves to the tone “A,” which is the frequency of the pyramid and the sarcophagus. As we took turns laying down and meditating inside the sarcophagus, the others moved around it in a procession doing harmonic overtones and “Omming.” The energy was so intense in the chamber, we could feel our bodies vibrating in resonance. Down below, in the Grand Gallery, the one lone guard on duty later would tell us that our voices reverberated throughout the pyramid, sounding like a heavenly choir.

One can only imagine what the energy would have been like during ancient times when white limestone encased the outside of the pyramid and the gold and crystal capstone set up a powerful directional energy field. Even without it, it was easy to feel one’s physical body transport into time and space, while bathed in the resonance of this “temple”.

Before we left, we all stood together inside the sarcophagus, lined up like the chakras in the energy body, and formed a silent prayer for all our brothers, near and far, on all cosmic dimensions. For some in our group it opened memories and helped in healing. It was a transformative experience on so many levels—which is really what the ancients always intended it to be.

Peace and Namaste to all.

More unusual articles on Egypt are coming.  Subscribe free to the Trinfinity & Beyond Blog.

Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God


My Dinner with Time Traveler Andrew Basiago

Kathy with AndyPresent day scientists agree that the ability for time travel and teleportation IS possible, but don’t say WHEN.  Would it surprise you to learn that we already have the technology and ability to transverse time NOW and that we’ve had it for well over 50 years?  It appears that the government has been experimenting with teleportation since the 1950’s, according to military whistle blower and Washington attorney, Andrew Basiago.  I was up in Mt. Shasta, California recently and had the opportunity to dine with Andy and question him firsthand.  Unusual dinner conversation?  You bet!  I found his story compellingly credible and his memory for details worthy of a Mensa candidate (which he is).  I can hardly remember what I ate I was so captivated by his story.

Basiago’s involvement as a time traveler for Project Pegasus, a Defense Advanced Research Project Agency program (DARPA) started as a young child in the late 60’s and continued through his teen years.  He was recruited by his father, who worked in military intelligence.  Andrew’s dad was a part of the “time-space program” known as Project Pegasus which utilized Nikola Tesla technology for teleportation.  (This explains why over 50% of Nikola Tesla patents and research materials have been placed under lock and key by the defense department for reasons of  “national security”.)

The military’s experimental use of young children of military intelligence personnel is legendary.  As a clinical therapist once practicing in the Norfolk, Virginia area, home of the Atlantic Fleet and several military bases, I treated a few grown-up candidates from some of these covert programs.  They included everything from mind-control to inducing dissociative states in children to create an alter personality to carry classified information without detection.  It was the penultimate spying program (see MKUltra).  It was hard to believe such tales at first, but their stories were all eerily similar and were not elicited under hypnosis.  Most of these programs are covert and not openly sanctioned by the government or, oftentimes, not even known about by even the top military brass.   So it wasn’t much of a stretch for me to keep an open mind about what Andy was sharing regarding his own experiences working for several secret military programs.

Much was first reported about Andy’s time travel in the Huffington Post in 2012.  He recounted how he had traveled back in time to President Lincoln’s Gettysburg address (and was caught in a photo), as well as forward in time to the year 2045.  Each time his handlers had him report back in detail what he saw, political and social details, and who the president was during that time.  He claims that after a very early time traveler leap into the future he reported back that there was a black president named Barack Obama.  He confides that his handlers were especially interested in identifying future presidents in order to foster and shape their early development.  Andy claims that many of the most recent presidents, including both Bushes, Clinton and Obama were told of their future presidential roles long before they came into power.  Andy even reports being involved on a project where he briefly roomed with a young black man named Barry Soetoro (later to take the name Barack Obama).  Interestingly, Obama has acknowledged  knowing Andy Basiago as well as being familiar with Project Pegasus.  As to any further details regarding his involvement–he has remained mum.  As Captain Spock would say, “Fascinating.”

Some people may recall hearing the term Project Pegasus from its use in the Stargate Atlantis TV series.  However, it’s no secret in Hollywood that deep space stories as well as the film The Day the Earth Stood Still were scripted based on info gathered from military film consultants who suggested such ideas.  Truth is often hidden in plain sight under the guise of fantasy.  I myself wondered how accurate time travel was, as portrayed in film and TV, with Andy’s own experience.  Can we go back in time and correct some horrendous event such as the realm of Hitler or John F. Kennedy’s assassination?  Unfortunately, the answer is “no.”  If it could be corrected, we wouldn’t even know about it ever having happened to go back and try to correct it in the first place.  Not even Stephen King’s time traveler character could go back and undo the Kennedy assassination in his book 11/22/63.   Too bad.

I also had to ask Andy whether teleportation is anything like Star Trek’s “beam me up Scotty” holodeck?  According to Andy, this would be impossible for humans, unlike inanimate objects.  Atomic cellular reconstruction from point A to point B is just too complex.  The re-assembled human version would arrive dead.  Andy says he traveled through man-made time vortals (vortex portals) that used pulsing radiant energy.   One had to take a fast running leap into the vortal or the body could start dis-assembling.  He recalls how one boy, who faltered, came through with both legs cut off at the knees.  Yikes!

Inside the vortal he would often see other alien-like entities observing him, and experienced the feeling at times of both falling and not moving.  As for the actual logistics–his time leaps might take from a few seconds to as long as one minute, during which time he was instructed to fill his lungs and hold his breath.  There was little oxygen in the vortal and having breathing control was necessary to avoid passing out.  If he passed out, he might not come back.

Hmm.  Teleportation, however intriguing as it may seem, also sounds kind of dangerous.  Is that why they sent expendable children?  Andy says that since the 1970’s they have perfected the technology and today it could be used to clean up the earth.  He came forward as a whistle blower because he believes such highly advanced technology should be freely available to the world and that it would positively change humanity.   Just in transporting goods, it would alleviate the need for combustion engines, fuels, and other materials that deplete and/or pollute our environment.  It’s no secret that this lawyer, turned activist for truth and transparency, intends to run for the U.S. Presidency in 2016.  His goal is to get the government to finally release this incredible technology and bring it out in the open.  He foresees escalator transports (kind of like subway stops) becoming the new teleportation vortals of the future.  Hey Andy, if teleportation technology can put an end to enduring the gridlock traffic of the Los Angeles 405 freeway, you certainly got my vote!

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Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God: A Psychologist’s Near-Death Experience and Journeys Into the Mystical